Browse Items (110 total)

  • Tags: Deed

for double brick house, East Main Street, Mount JOy, PA on the south side of E Main Street, extending south to Sassafras Alley, bounded on the west by property of David L. Brown and on the east by property of Levi D. Gallagher


for a dwelling house and lot of ground in Mount Joy, PA (fronting on the north by East Donegal Street, on the east by Jacob Street, on the south by South Alley, and on the west by lot of ______.)


for house and lot in Mount Joy, PA (east half of lot 4). with confirmation of sale


for brick dwelling house and 1/2 lot of ground on East Main Street, Mount Joy (east half of lot 4)


for brick dwelling house and 1/2 lot of ground on East Main Street, Mount Joy (east half of lot 4)


Deed - Executor of Jno. Patterson, ded'c to B.F. Heistand, In Trust for 1/2 lot of ground, brick dwelling, on E. Main Street, Mount Joy (1/2 of lot 4 - Schlegemilch property)


for 1/2 lot of ground, brick dwelling on E. Main Street (west half of lot 4)


For part of a lot of ground with improvements in Mount Joy


For part of a lot of ground with improvements in Mount Joy


Quantity: 1

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Quantity: 1

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