Browse Items (36 total)
- Tags: H.S. Newcomer
Community Business Booster, handy document file
Tags: Bernhart's Store, cars, cement, chocolate, Clarence Schock, coal, Deering, E.G. Myers, farm machines, feed, flour, Frey Brothers, grain, groceries, H.S. Newcomer, Hardware, Harry Leedom, hay, I.D. Stehman, implements, J.B. Keller, Kendig Bros., lumber, Martin Sanitary Dairy, Martin's Milk, McCormick, Miller Bros., Mumma's, O.J. Kling, oil, oil drillers, Roy B. Sheetz, S.Z. Young, Shenk's Service Station, slate, straw, tire, tires, Union National Bank, W.J. Staley, Young's Tire Store
Receipt - H.S. Newcomer
February 26, 1910
James Metzler
Tags: 1910, H.S. Newcomer, James Metzler, Metzler, Receipt
H.S. Newcomer, farm machinery/warehouse (formerly Malthouse of Phillip Frank), photographs
Tags: 33, H.S. Newcomer
Miscellaneous Automobiles 1942-1947
Tags: Aldus Stark, Allen Keller, automobile, automobiles, C.H. Koser, Clayton Newcomer, Daniel W. Peifer, Elsie M. Staley, Elstonville, fire, Fred H. Koser, H.S. Newcomer, J.C. Snavely and Sons, Landisville, Landisville Fire Company, Lititz, Lloyd Koehler, Melvin Newcomer, Newcomer's Service Station, Office of War Information, Oldsmobile, Paul Koehler, Penry, Phares Nissley, Rapho School District, Richard Schreiber, rifle, Salunga, school bus, sedan, tires, Truck, Tryon, Wallace Miller, Walter J. Staley, War Production Board, wooden tires
Auto Accidents 1916-1920
Tags: A.F. Snyder, Abram Hoffer, accident, accidents, Albert Strickler, alcohol, Alvin Root, Alvin Shonk, Amos F. Eby, B.S. Dillinger, Carbon Steel Works, Central House, Chevrolet, Christian Horst, Christian McComsey, Columbia, D.F. Gabel, Donegal and Conoy Insurance Company, Dr. Snyder, drunk, F.G. Bossert, Farmers' Inn, fire, Florin, Frankie Erne, Frederick W. Aument, General Hospital, H.H. Wheelock, H.S. Newcomer, Henry Eby, Henry Hamilton, Herr, J.J. Newpher, J.S. Kendig, Jacob L. Grim, James Koch, John S. Eby, Joseph Martin, Lancaster, Landisville, Levi Mumma, liquor, Luke McLuke, Manheim, manslaughter, Mary Detwiler, Morris W. Shaner, P.E. Getz, Peter S. Brubaker, Pullman, Salunga, Simmons Hardware Company, Studebaker, Thome, Touring Car, train, W.M. Thome, Washington House, Wesley Royer, William E. Hoffman, William E. Martin, Ziegler
Automobiles 1974-1977
Tags: Ben Hess, Benjamin H. Hess, Bob Berg, Buick, Charles Ricedorf, Chevrolet, Chris Charles, Chris Shirk, Earl K. Shoemaker, Elizabethtown, H.S. Newcomer, Harold Kulp, Hess, Jay S. Ulrich, Jim Gingrich, Jim Knox, Joe Bateman, John Hoffman, Lew Bentzel, Lloyd Kline, Mike Torres, Newcomer Motors, Oldsmobile, Opel, Ralph Walter, S.F. Ulrich, Sam Davis, Ulrich, Union National, Vera Haines, William Brian
Automobiles 1949
Tags: Chevrolet, H.S. Newcomer, Newcomer Motors, Oldsmobile, rocket, Truck, trucks
Automobiles 1945
Automobiles 1942
Tags: Chevrolet, Coach, H.S. Newcomer, John Deere, McCormick, mower, Oldsmobile, OPA, Plow, Plymouth, sedan, tractor
Automobiles 1941
Automobiles 1938
Tags: Chevrolet, Coach, coupe, Dodge, Essex, H.S. Newcomer, hydraulic, Oldsmobile, Plymouth, sedan, Six Supreme, Truck
Automobiles 1936
Tags: Chevrolet, Coach, coupe, Dodge, Ford, H.S. Newcomer, Hiram Dohner, Mary Dohner, Mount Gretna, Oldsmobile, Plymouth, Pontiac, roadster, sedan
Automobiles 1935
Tags: Chevrolet, Detroit, H.S. Newcomer, Master De Luxe, Michigan, pick up, sedan, Truck