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- Tags: Hupmobile
Miscellaneous Automobiles 1920-1929
Tags: Ames, Armstrong, arrests, Auburn, B.W. Brown, Benjamin G. Eynon, Booth, brakes, Briscoe, Buick, camping, Chalmer, Chevrolet, Clinton Eby, Columbias, coupe, D.W. Kramer, Department of Highways, Department of Revenue, Doge, Durant, Enger, Essex, fee, fire, Fisher, Ford, Franklin, gas pumps, Governor Fisher, Harrisburg, Haynes, headlights, horse, Hot Springs, Hudson, Hupmobile, inspection, inspection stations, Iowa, Jeffrie, John A. Bachman, Jordan, Lampeter, license tags, lights, M.K. Hoke, Manheim, Maxwell, McIntosh, Monroe Geist, Moon, motor vehicle code, Nash, National, Oakland, Oldsmobile, Overland, Packard, Paige, Peerless, punch system, Rapid City, reckless driving, registration, Reo, road trip, Rossmere, Rowe Motor Manufacturing Company, Scripp, sedan, Sioux City, Star, State Highway Department, Studebaker, tags, Touring Car, tractor, Truck, truck driver, Velie, veteran, violations, warnings, Willys-Knight, Wind Cave, Wright, WWI, Yellowstone
Auto Accidents 1927-1930
Tags: A.F. Snyder, accident, accidents, Alfred Holden, Anna Miller, C.N. Mumma, car accident, Chambersburg, Chandler coach, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Clara Greenawalt, Dorothy Frey, Dorothy Kessler, E.W. Newcomer, Eli Arndt, Eli G. Reist, Eli Nissley, Elmer Zerphey, Evans J. Carpenter, fire, Florin, Ford, Frederick P. Houghton, Frey Funeral Parlors, George H. Frey, H.B. Greenawalt, Harrisburg, Harry B. Reed, Hettie Holden, Hupmobile, J.D. Hershey, Jack O'Neill, Jacob Landvator, Jacobs, John Miller, John Moore, John P. Dononey, John Rahm, John Tryon, killed, L. Percy Heilig, Lancaster, Margaret Rahm, Maytown, Middletown, Mildred R. Stauffer, Miller, motorcycle, Ohio, Oliver K. Greenawalt, Omar Kling, Overland, Pennsylvania Railroad, Peter White, Roy Sheetz, Salunga, Samuel Kraybill, Sheaffer, Shock Independent Oil Co., St. John's Episcopal Church, St. Joseph's Hospital, telephone pole, train, Utah, Virginia Greenawalt, Washington House, Wolgemuth