“And they left me off at $1500” – A Century of Progress at Reist Popcorn Company


This hardback book was a labor of love by local David A. Reist. It captures the story of Reist Popcorn Company during its Century of Progress.



From the author, David A. Reist:

The drawers of the antique harvest table at Walnut Grove Farmhouse held many documents and photos that had been collected by my great-grandparents, grandparents and parents. Occasionally while visiting at the Farmhouse during my adult years, I would explore these treasured archives. I was always fascinated. But I was also a bit perplexed. I did not have, in my mind, a chronological outline on which to place these artifacts. Nor did I have an adequately broad understanding of our family and family business history.

To the contents of the harvest table, I added archived files found in the attic. And as you might imagine, I also discovered “a harvest table and an attic” at Reist Popcorn Company. Not surprisingly, the family stories and the business stories are very much interwoven.

By cataloging, filing, cross referencing, interviewing, and collaborating, I am able to capture the story of Reist Popcorn Company during its Century of Progress. This book tells that story.

David spent many hours at the Mount Joy Area Historical Society completing his research. He asks that you consider donating to the society so that we may continue being able to seek, preserve, and make available Mount Joy’s history for generations to come. You can make an online donation here.

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